Improve Efficiency Through Repetition

You can improve the efficiency of your practice significantly by establishing repeatable processes for routine, predictable activities.

Repeatable processes enable consistent execution and foster a uniform client experience. They can also help you better manage your own time as well as that of your team.

In fact, there are many aspects of your business that involve routine tasks, such as client on-boarding, communication, client-relationship management (CRM) and lead generation. These activities involve repeating the same processes. Therefore, if you standardize the processes involved in these activities, repeating them becomes easier.

You may still need to be flexible because you might not be able to fit all clients into the same box. Depending on the size your client base you could either make exceptions or have separate processes for different client segments.

The ultimate goal is to make managing your workflow easier, saving time and effort. While your assistant or other staff members can complete repeatable tasks, you can concentrate on what you do best.

Here are some ways to create repeatable processes.

Map your workflow

The first step in developing repeatable processes is to map out your workflow. This step will allow you to clearly see all the tasks that are routine and are applicable to all clients. You may wish to prepare a grid that shows all your activities and events on one bar and what's involved in completing them on the other bar.

Document your processes

Document each step of your processes that are repeatable and prepare checklists for each process — as if you were preparing an instruction manual. This strategy would make implementation easier and allow you and your staff to repeat each step without having to think twice. For example, you might outline the process you follow when you acquire a new client — such as sending the client a welcome package, establishing a client review schedule and entering the client's information in your CRM system.

Make use of technology

Make use of the most appropriate technology to maximize efficiency. For instance, you might normally maintain client data, prepare financial plans and client statements, monitor performance, communicate with clients and schedule meetings. With an efficient CRM system, for example, you will know what you have to do for each client because the process is repeatable for all clients.


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